Message from the Principal

Welcome to Normanby for our 2024-25 school year!!!

If your child is not going to be at school on a particular day, please call Ms. Tourlousse in the office (519-665-7783) to let her know that along with the reason for the absence.  If it’s outside of school hours, you can leave a message. If there is going to be a change in the end of day routine (e.g. your child will be off the bus and grandma is picking up), please notify the office as soon as possible and preferably before 2:00pm.  You may also text the school cell phone for safe arrival and end of day messages at 226-668-5263.  Please wait for a reply to ensure that we have received your text.

For your reference, here is our daily schedule:

8:35-8:55            Students arrive on the school yard

8:55                     Entry bell

10:55-11:15       First nutrition break

11:15-11:35       First recess

11:35                   Afternoon attendance is taken

1:35-1:55            Second nutrition break

1:55-2:15            Second recess

3:15                     Dismissal

We run a daily breakfast program so that a nutritious snack is provided to every class for each student.  We are always looking for parent volunteers to help out with this program.  Please send me an email if you are interested.  Also, keep your eye out for notices for other volunteer opportunities around the school and in your child’s classroom!  A police check is mandatory for every volunteer as well as every field trip chaperone.  

Please remember that schools are nut-free so do not send food that contains nut products.  If you are thinking about sending a snack for your child's class, please check with the teacher first!  Also, we are scent-free.

If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for https://www.brucegreyschoolbus.ca/  This will let you know about pickup/drop off times as well as if your child’s bus is cancelled or delayed. Voyago and Montgomery are the bus companies that serve Normanby. Please remind your child that their bus driver deserves the same respect as their teacher.  Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right.  You will also see on this bussing website that students are not to eat on the bus for safety reasons.

You may find it helpful to download the BWDSB app as you can find transportation information there along with School Messenger and School Cash Online.  We are encouraging families to use School Cash Online when paying for school items such as pizza and field trips instead of sending in cash. 

If you have any questions or concerns that pertain to the class, reach out to your child’s teacher right away.  I cannot encourage good home-school communication enough!  We are partners together in your child’s education! 

Follow us on Instagram at normanby_cs!

If you have any questions, please contact me at the school at 519-665-7783 or by email at [email protected]

Janice Daize

Ontario Builds Logo

Message from the Principal

The Bluewater District School Board is seeking input for the Multi-Year Strategic Plan. Please use the following link to access the form in which you can share your ideas and opinions.   http://ow.ly/Vdyd30okrHt

Nicole Jackson

Message from the Principal

The Bluewater District School Board is seeking input for the Multi-Year Strategic Plan. Please use the following link to access the form in which you can share your ideas and opinions.   http://ow.ly/Vdyd30okrHt

Nicole Jackson

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